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  • How many birds must I have for you to process on my farm or homestead?
    Our minimum quantity to qualify for mobile processing is 125 birds. If you are not able to grow that many birds we do offer "Farm Days" which are simply butcher days on our home farm in Myerstown. This allows those with smaller quantities of chickens to utilize our processing.
  • Can I combine chickens with my neighbors to reach the minimum amount of birds?
    Absolutely! We can combine different batches at one central location as long as you are not selling the meat to the general public. Regulations prohibit any other birds from being processed same day on a farm that is selling poultry. If you have more questions don't hesitate to call us!
  • What do you need from us on butcher day?
    We need a potable water hook-up, an electric hook-up, a wheelbarrow or loader bucket for offal & feathers, and ice. We figure on about 1.6 lbs per bird of ice.
  • Can I sell the poultry processed on my farm to grocery stores, restaurants, or hotels?
    Because we are inspected by the PDA (Pa Department of Agriculture) you may sell to grocery stores, restaurants, and hotels provided you are inspected by the PDA for your farm store and you are not raising more than 20,000 birds per year. We are operating under an exemption to the USDA guidelines and therefore are not required to adhere to the regulations laid out by them.
  • How much do you charge per mile?
    As the price of Deisel fluctuates so does our mileage pricing. We try to keep it as close to cost as we possibly can, so the price is ever moving up and down. Reach out to find our current pricing per mile.
  • What do I need to do before you come to process my poultry?
    Please have your birds off of feed a minimum of 14 hours before processing. If you have crates, please have at least two loaded before we get there, if you do not have crates, we can lend some to you; please be ready to catch birds as soon as we get there! Don't forget the ICE! 1.65 lbs of ice per bird for chickens is our average; please have arrangements made to have ice on hand for us before we arrive!
  • What happens to the offal? (Guts and feathers)
    We do not offer offal disposal services, you will need to have a loader bucket/wheelbarrow onsite ready for us to use.
  • What do we (the farmer) need to have ready for you before you come?
    A large enough piece of machinery to easily reach the animal in the pasture to haul it to our processing truck. A tractor, skid loader, or even a truck are good options. A four-wheeler/UTV is often not strong enough to pull larger animals like steers out of a pasture. If you do not have a large enough vehicle, please let us know so we can have a plan before we come out!
  • Why don't you harvest Hogs in open pasture?
    The short answer is; that our target is not large enough for a confident kill at range. Our preference is that they are within ten paces for harvesting. Keeping them off of feed can entice them closer since they are hungry.
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